Events ______________
HOW TO GAIN MONEY, WOMEN AND FAME (Jak zdobyć pieniądze, kobietę i sławę)
dir. Janusz Kondratiuk / 1969 / Poland / 47 min
The film comprises three stories each of which serves a formula on how to get the titular money, women and fame. The protagonist of the first tale is a petty cheat who tries to make money on stolen mongrel dogs that he transforms – thanks to his hairdresser’s abilities – into genuine poodles. The second story is about a shy seducer who is in love with Miss Mariola. Finally the third part, with a stunning central performance by Jacek Woszczerowicz, is a story of a crazy scientist who seeks to find fame by constructing a bathyscaph out of scrap in order to submerge it in a lake in front of the assembled press. Unsurprisingly the scientist dies. However, his autopsy unearths a medical discovery and as a result, the scientist gets the fame he longed-for, even if only post-mortem. The entire film is inspired by the novels of Bohumil Hrabal and by the films of Jirí Menzel. Kondratiuk here creates a brilliant satire on human flaws and imperfections
Sunday 27 March / 3.00 pm / Riverside Studios